Based on your enrollment, your school may be entitled to a Guidance Counselor at no cost through Title I funds authorized by the ESSA.

Key highlights of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) include language adding services for non-instructional supports such as school counselors (counseling services), school based mental-health programs, behavior and mentoring supports, and social and emotional learning to meet a broad range of student needs. These funds may be used to improve attendance, to counteract and prevent bullying, for school-based mental health programs, to provide positive behavioral interventions and supports, or any other strategies to improve students’ nonacademic skills.

United Testing Service, the premier school staffing provider, is ready to:

  • Prepare a proposal for services, and help your school navigate the consultation process required by your Local Education Administrator (LEA).
  • Match you to a state licensed, insured and background cleared School Guidance Counselor.
  • Provide your school with the excellent, on-going service and dedication that we have provided schools for over 50 years.
  • Submit all billing and paperwork required by your school district for distribution of Title I Funds.

ESSA Every Student Succeeds Nevada

Inquire About A Title I Guidance Counselor

After submitting this form, a staffing specialist will contact you to coordinate staffing your Title I Guidance Counselor.

Your Title I Guidance Counselor Can…

  • Organize a comprehensive counseling program for your Title I students

  • Consult with teachers, parents and staff to enhance their effectiveness in helping Title I students with their educational needs.

  • Provide appropriate counseling for individual students or families such as grief, trauma, or emotional/behavioral issues

  • Conduct classroom observations upon referral from staff/administration or parents of students to assist with problem identification.

  • Collaborate with parents, teachers, administrators, social workers and community health personnel in order to plan and implement strategies to help students be successful.

  • Meet with students individually and in small groups to help them resolve or cope constructively with their problems and developmental concerns.

  • Conduct groups/programs pertaining to anti-bullying, social skills, conflict resolution, or other issues to improve students’ nonacademic skills.

  • Assist parents in obtaining needed services for their children through communication, referral and follow-up processes.

  • Conduct screenings for emotional and/or behavioral issues.

  • Serve as a liaison between the school and community agencies to ensure collaborative efforts to assist and support the students.

  • Provide written feedback on student progress to parents, teachers and administration.

  • Make placement and other educational recommendations for student support based on students’ individual needs.

  • Properly review and evaluate records of incoming students to advise administration and teachers of students’ special needs.

  • Maintain a written running/current intake log of actions taken on behalf of a student for the year.

  • Meet with teachers at the start of school year and prior to parent conferences to review areas of concern/issues for individual Title I students.

  • Meet with teachers at end of school year to review progress and any recommended changes for the coming school year as well as complete new plans and any other needed documentation for each student for the next year.

Every Student Succeeds Act & Title I Funds

Every Student Succeeds Act

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was passed by Congress and signed into law in December of 2015. This law continues programs such as Title I for
services to the disadvantaged, with a focus on improving the academic achievement of the disadvantaged.

However, the ESSA removes the limitations of a traditional pull-out program by which Title I, Part A funds were used. Services paid for are no
longer limited to additional instruction in core subject areas.

Title I funds may now be used more flexibly to meet a broad range of student needs and to be used for non-instructional supports such as school
counselors (counseling services), school based mental-health programs, behavior and mentoring supports, and social and emotional learning. These
funds may be used to improve the quality of instructional materials, improve attendance, counteract and prevent bullying, school-based mental health
programs, provide positive behavioral interventions and supports, or any other strategies to improve students’ nonacademic skills. In addition, Title I funds
may be used for two-generation approaches that consider the needs of both vulnerable children and parents, together, in the design and delivery of
services and programs to support improved economic, educational, health, safety, and other outcomes that address the issues of intergenerational poverty.