United Testing Service can provide the groundwork for a Student Intervention Process and Program with a unique analysis of an individual school’s needs. This analysis is then combined with proven steps to provide a school with a system to meet its students’ needs. This innovative and comprehensive program shows schools various approaches of filling in missing elements as well as increasing the effectiveness of existing programs. This program has a proven track record of being realistically affordable, successful and adaptable to any school.
Given the trend of “inclusion” in school mission statements and accreditation requirements, this program addresses ways to provide a challenging curriculum and a high level of achievement for ALL students. It makes it possible to have a deeper understanding of each student as a unique individual by adapting and modifying the curriculum and teaching strategies to meet the learning styles and abilities of each child.
Education today presents an ever growing list of challenges, such as:
- Knowledge about how the human brain works and how it learns (multiple intelligences)
- More awareness of individual learning needs (ADD, Dyslexia, allergies)
- Technology has changed the way we teach (Smart Boards, computers)
- Parental expectations of what schools should provide for their children
- Finances (cost of running a school, salary increases, insurance, materials, care of the facility) directly affected by the economy and enrollment numbers
- Safety concerns (providing a safe environment, health issues, outside threats, facilities and equipment)
- Teacher shortages and Professional Development
- Substantial increase in paperwork
- Legal concerns
The UTS SIP Development Program is customized for each school’s individual
needs, but may include any of the following:
- Consultation with school principal for analysis of present programs
- Provide an assessment leading to construction of a school support system
- Create a plan to incrementally add to present program within the school’s present budget
- Provide support personnel in a flexible, cost effective way: Guidance Counselor, School Nurse, Special Education Teacher, Reading Specialist
- Provide sensory screenings and educational screenings
- Provide full scale Educational Assessment Batteries
- Assist in the development of Individual Student Educational Plans
- Provide workshops for teachers and staff to address
- Assisting staff to see the benefits to ALL of their students and enable them to meet all students’ needs
- Make use of skills and knowledge to adapt to individual learning styles “intentional”
- Build personnel and teacher confidence in their abilities to adapt and modify curriculum
- Provide documentation process to follow student through school years.
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