Your school’s guidance counselor can also provide in-house Educational Assessment Batteries. These Assessments are offered as a means of addressing one of a school’s most pressing needs: a comprehensive, inexpensive, and efficient way to deferentially diagnose learning problems.
Do these scenarios sound familiar?
With a UTS evaluation:
The purpose of this test battery is not only to determine specific factors causing classroom learning and/or behavior problems, but to provide valuable recommendations for remediation. This assessment provides more than just test results. A written report with the explanation and interpretation of scores along with specific modifications is presented at a school conference with the parents, teachers, and administration. This consultation will enable teachers and parents to better understand the child’s learning difficulty, and work together to help the child experience greater academic and social success.
Valid, standardized testing instruments are utilized to answer these important questions:
- Does a problem exist?
- What is the problem?
- How severe is the problem?
- What academic areas have been affected?
- What recommendations can be implemented that will provide the student with the support system necessary to allow success in a mainstream classroom?
Our Educational Assessment Battery will include some, or all, of the following areas, as appropriate for each individual child tested:
- Parent intake interview with case history
- Sensory screenings
- Intellectual ability
- Attention Deficit or ADHD
- Processing Skills
- Visual Perception and Scotopic Sensitivity
- Tests of Memory and Learning
- Visual Motor Integration
- Reading and Vocabulary
- Arithmetic
- Spelling
- Social Studies, Science, and Humanities
- Written Expression
- Study and Reference Skills
Fee structure is based on a school’s individual needs. Options include a yearly contract for services, training for the counselor to do in-house testing, fee to the parents, or on a case by case basis.
Call (702)941-4270 to Get Started
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